Threats are ubiquitous.
It is annoying that small companies run the risk that attackers are always a step ahead.

Cyber criminals and state-sponsored attackers are filling their arsenals with artificial intelligence. Personalizing attacks no longer is a fiction and cyber defense is a high-tech arms race.

Every day, I try to keep up with new attack vectors, but it's like going to a shooting with a knife. Being in charge to secure a smaller company, you feel to get closer and closer to surrender.

For sure, artificial intelligence is the next big thing for cyber security. It’s the new shit. Well, but things that have great relevance are not available for everyone.

That's just the way it is. And that's just because of the size of my company.

It is my personal concern to make my company more secure. I am convinced there is a solution out there to help me find suspicious events and emerging threats. And right, there are many tools on the market.

But now, I am forced to make a decision: Either fight a broad range of known threats or address the detection of an unknown threat with rigid tools that are not capable to cope with the constantly increasing number of attack variations.

It remains frustrating and annoying.

I know that there is no silver bullet. But cyber defense templates give me two things I missed: Artificial intelligence on the one hand side and agility to keep pace with the attackers on the other hand side.

It is worth to give this new template approach a try. I just started to work with them, but it feels like my knife for the next shooting becomes a real weapon.

Take the next step
You want to master your business decisions with data foresights?
You are convinced that your data expertise remains insufficient?
You believe predictive analytics exceeds your project budget?